Simple Tips for Reading the Bible

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Although the Bible is the most widely known written work in the entire world many people do not know how to read it properly and are looking for tips for reading the Bible.

The full Bible has been translated around 520 times and partially translated around 2,800 times. This is how immense this collection is. Learning to read the Bible can be a powerfully motivating and spiritual experience for anyone. It is a huge book and can be unapproachable, but with a few simple tips, you can read the Bible in no time!

Understand Why

Reading the Bible First and foremost, before you begin any Bible study work, you need to understand why we read the Bible in the first place. This is one of the oldest living works that is still in circulation and the biggest selling book of all time. The Bible helps establish your relationship with God and is the best way to learn about the life Jesus Christ. There is unparalleled advice on how to approach various circumstances in life. It also helps give you harmony and focus in your life.

Choose a Method

The Bible is available all over in many different formations. You can work straight from the actual book itself or you can focus on bible study online. There are countless sources available on the Internet including eBooks, study guides, Bible study tools, and more. You can also integrate both methods, print and web, together for a hybrid learning styling.

Pick a Plan

There are various reading plans that you can choose from when it comes to reading the Bible. By picking a plan, it helps you focus and have a goal in place. There are plans ranging from ninety days to one year and some that even skip around for easier comprehension. Look around online for a plan that is best suited to what type of reading you are most interested in.

Visit Websites

Do not be afraid to utilize bible study tools! There are some great learning websites out there focused on enhancing your Bible experience. By visiting these and viewing all of your options, you are opening your bible study involvement tenfold.

Use Tools

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Some other bible study tools available to help you are simple things like highlighters, pens, sticky notes, etc. Simple, sure, but they will help you notate and remember a lot of the material you go over. By writing it down, you are actually helping yourself retain the information for the long run. If you choose to perform your bible study online, you have limitless tools available to you as well.

Ask Questions

It is okay to ask questions to help yourself comprehend what is going on. The Bible is a large work and has a lot going on. Sit down and ask who, what, when, where, and why. This can assist with opening the entire story on a more relatable sense.

Read on a Regular Basis

Be sure to devote time to reading the Bible. In order to really get the time you need with God and to fully comprehend the material in your Bible study, you need to read regularly and dependently. This goes back to the plan method, where creating a reading plan can help ensure you read an allotted amount in a certain amount of time. This will give you the discipline and structure you may need if you are concerned about regularity.


It is encouraged to pray before and after reading the Bible, as this is a spiritual experience. Before you read, pray for focus and concentration you need to read. After you are finished, thank God for allowing you the opportunity to walk in His words. Prayer can be your answer on how to read the bible successfully and easily.

The Bible is definitely something you want to read and incorporate into your daily life. It may look intimidating but after you establish a solid reading plan and incorporate the tools that are available to you, it easily becomes a guidance and friend. Do yourself one of the biggest favors you can ever do and make the decision to read the Bible today. You will never regret it.


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